Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Reflections 1: Condom Pains

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Reflections 1

That’s it! Another parent from Planet Blurr. One cannot tahan (tolerate) explicit material in a children’s section of a library – see Tip 5, May 2007 – and now this one fuming over a condom ad?!?
The one in the MRT (click image for larger view), not only shows the strength of the condom, it is tastefully done. Whatz up?!?
Thankfully before I go into verbal diarrhoea mode, there are sensible people abound and one, from a 15 year-old kid! There is hope for the future ;-)
Once a boy reached puberty and he knows he has the means to create life, I’ll say, buy the kid his condom. Tell him to use it responsibly. It is fatal to assume (or denial for some), that our kid won’t experiment and lead to unwanted consequences, despite carefully explaining, and telling them to think and act responsibly.

If you have done that, give yourself a pat, frankly you’ve done all you can as a parent. Now the question is, if the inevitable happens to your kid, and she’s pregnant, when she’s not ready, what u gonna do?

Man, it is the hormones lah! Boyz will be boyz! Today, even gals too, I can safely add. And you can’t change that. So son, know your condom and wear them will ya if you cannot tahan (lose control)!

A close chum of mine, who has since migrated to Sydney, once said this, and how apt. I am glad to include this in the Rue of the Day. I've got a daughter and he has two. sigh.

Rue of the Day: When you have a son, you only got one cock to worry. When you have a daughter, you have a hundred cocks to worry!

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