Friday, 18 May 2007

Tip 1: Non-stop Crying Kid

Parents, if you are squeamish over a mosquito bite on your kid, please leave this site.

Read the TODAY’s paper on 17 May 2007. Global warming has started to burn the brains of these lawmakers. Parents today are breeding whiny kids that deserve to be SMACK themselves.

Two adults CONTROLLED by a brawling kid, giving in to his whims and fancy to shut him up. C’mon! You’re a thinking adult, right? Notice I will use the ‘he’ rather than the ‘she’ in my examples. This is deliberate. For all knowing parents, boyz will be boyz. You had better learn how to control them, let them know who’s in charge, on day one. There are exceptions of course. Some kids are just born sweet.

Tip 1
Kid refuse to stop crying? DO NOT cane them or chide t
he poor kid. Just ignore him. Leave him where he is safe (kitchen with knives and bath room with buckets of water not included!). Look at him, eye contact, look blank. Let him expanse himself till he turns blue. He’ll either fall asleep and coo or he’ll just know that it ain’t going any where with this kind of reaction. When he gets the message, reward him with lots of hugs and love.

Rule of the Day: Let the kid rule the house, it will ruin the home.

Next post: Kids who can't stop putting his finger in his mouth? We'll show you how!

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