Monday, 21 May 2007

Tip 3: TV Addict Kids

Parents, if you are squeamish over a mosquito bite on your kid, please leave this site.

Tip 3
Show him The Ring (preferably the 1998 original Japanese version – Ringu) with Sadako. MUST SEE scene – where she crawls out of the television. It will sure make him think twice on turning on the television himself. And if he really really wants it badly, he’ll get you to turn it on for him.

That’s cool. The whole exercise is to ensure he does not turn on the television without YOUR permission.

Unfortunately, this is only applicable to kids below four years of age. By the time they hit five onwards, they will see more gross things than Sadako.

Rule of the Day: The kid has NO RIGHTS till the day he is responsible for his actions and consequences.

Next post: Law say cannot spank? We show you how to spank and not get caught (Part 1).

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